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If you have a green space, you could build your own sprinkler system. When we have flowers or grass, we must choose well the system that we will install to hydrate the plants. These must guarantee the amount of water necessary to keep them alive and healthy.
We know that you will find a variety of sprinklers on the market. But you can also design and build your own. You have to take into account what system you want to build and what materials you should use. Information on this can be found in the Saenz & Co installation guide.
Options to build your own sprinkler system
To start creating your own sprinkler system you need to know what types exist. So, you can create it according to the needs of your garden.
Above ground irrigation system
It is a very simple and inexpensive installation; however, there are some differences between them. They can be of the lance, static, oscillating and rotating type. These cast adjustable water strands precisely for specific areas and evenly.
When you have all the information, you should go to the store to get some necessary implements.
Depending on which sprinkler you choose, you may need to fix it to a base or to the ground. Then, let the water run to check if the amount is ideal or not, and it is ready for use. With your first sprinkler, you have already quickly and easily built your own sprinkler system.
Underground irrigation system
This sprinkler system is ideal for lawn maintenance regardless of size. When they are well programmed, they allow to bring the necessary amount of water to the lawn without wasting it. Also, they are not visible to the naked eye.
These irrigation systems adapt to any area. Since this one settles underground, consider if you are qualified to do it yourself. You can also contact Saenz & Co for professional help.
When everything is connected correctly, make sure to place the part that controls their movements, either going up to spray or down to store them. The programming system must be connected, since this in turn connects to the water stopcock. Finally, when everything is programmed and properly installed, the sprinklers are ready to go.
Drip sprinkler system
Without a doubt, this irrigation system is ideal if you have flowers or pots on a terrace. This system is the best for these cases, thanks to the fact that it supplies the necessary water for each plant.
Once you install it, you will notice that it is much easier than the previous ones. You can buy kits with the necessary tools for installation. The device to program the system comes with the kit, as well as other implements such as the hose in charge of the water flow to the plants.
If you already have the parts of the sprinkler system, you must extend the main tube over the area where you want to water. It is important that this tube does not kink. So, if you have to go around corners, you can use the pieces that the kit brings, such as elbows and others.
When the hose is correctly distributed, you can connect it to the programming device and this, in turn, to the faucet. The key will remain open and the device will act as the key. Thus, by allowing the water to pass, it will be the one who makes it flow.
Quality sprinkler system
Details such as durability or efficiency of these systems vary according to the quality of the material and the installation. Do not hesitate to consult experts in the field if you need advice to build your own sprinkler system.